Friday, October 7, 2011

The WIDER world wide web....2.0

Web 2.0 refers to a new style of internet usage that allows us to not only view the web, but participate in creating, manging and interacting in it as well. Websites generally allow us as users to view the site, passively, meaning we cannot affect it’s content at all. Web 2.0 sites allow that door to remain open!

So what does a WEB 2.0 site look like?!

Twitter, Facebook and Myspace!!
These sites make it easy to share, comment and respond to information. These tools can even be useful in a classroom setting. College students can create groups to hold discussions and collaborate on homework assignments. Classrooms can even have private pages that allow the classroom discussion, and activities to be viewable from the home. 

Another great tool in the realm of web 2.0. Many fabulous attributes of blogging in education can be found in my previous post!!

(Your video got how many hits?!)
Video Sharing sites like YouTube are another example. Users can post videos, create “ channels” which are a kind of portfolio of videos, and comment on and re post other videos.

And all of this can be useful in the classroom! 
You have an endless stream of connection between students, and the work they do!

There are many examples of Web 2.0 out in cyberspace. It comes down to the fact that this new way of computing allows us to access our own  information and resources from almost anywhere. It allows us to interact with people from all over the world. It puts users in the driver seat!

-Mrs. K

1 comment:

  1. Almost mind boggling where this may be headed. Makes me dizzy.
    Enjoyed the piece of the video that states "... and just let the kids student teach you."
