Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Intro Blog

I am many things right now in life. First and foremost, I am a mother and a wife. I love my family, and I love my life. I believe happiness is a daily choice, but not always an easy one. I  love Jesus, but not religion. I am a teacher and just as equally a student. I love learning, and exploring new places and ideas. I believe in all of us lives a youthful soul that never wants to stop the journey of exploration and the discovery behind learning.
I like to laugh, and take life with a grain of salt. Mistakes are a part of life, and without them our path would be straight and boring.
When people ask me “so, what do you want to teach” I like to answer simply “kids”. That's why I am teach kids. In a school that’s right for me, at an age that’s right for me. When the right job comes along, then I can answer that with a little more clarity. Right now I’m pursuing gardes 4-8(ish) ← and that's a big ish.

This is my inspiration, my daily encouragement and my passion. 
What better reason to pursue teaching this this? 

I believe every parent should be active in their child’s education! If we stop caring for, and fighting for our own children, then we have lost everything and just succumb to the greyness of the world and it’s bleak problems we all complain about. If I could inspire my kids (students and family)  to do one thing it would be to never stop asking questions and thinking for themselves. By thinking for our selves we push boundaries, and  inspire change!

Listen to your dreams, 
Go with your gut,
Be bold, Inspire change
and ask LOTS of QUESTIONS!

"Today you are you, this is truer than true. There is no one alive more youer than you"

- Mrs. K

1 comment:

  1. This is a very special post. Thanks so much for sharing.
