Thursday, September 15, 2011

How it all fits together...

Classroom Blogging

How can blogging really be effective in the classroom?

Have students comment on a blog post about a current reading assignment. The comment could include things such as a short summary of the chapter(s), plot analysis, character analysis, themes, and links to articles relating to these topics. Encouraging students to develop research skills and think critically!

Promote Awareness!
Post articles on current world and national events weekly. require students to comment on each post with their opinions and reflections on the issue at hand. Discuss these ideas in class!
Assign each student a week throughout the school year to be responsible for researching and  posting a current event article, and have other students post comments and let the discussion roll!

Encourage student led learning!
Have students start their own blogs or start a group blog as a classroom journal. Students can write an entry every two weeks or so on various topics and classmates can give grammatical feedback, check spelling, comment on word usage and so on! This can also be great for group research projects, math projects, and more!

Let students get creative! They can start their own blogs on topics that interest them, or manage a classroom group blog (that can be managed by the teacher). Let them post videos, songs, free writes, poetry, art, photography and whatever else they can think of! This is not only a great way to let your students explore the endless possibilities of technology, but also a great way to get to know your students!

These are a few ideas, but I'm sure YOU can brainstorm even MORE!

"If we do not plant knowledge when young, it will give us no shade when we are old"

-Mrs. K


  1. Appreciated your creativity with emphasizing several key applications, and leaving it open ended for us to keep brainstorming.

  2. Jess, your blog is just amazing! It's so alive, full of energy, and just screams you! You are so intuitive and intelligent and it comes through. I can't wait to see where we all are in two years!
