Monday, November 14, 2011

A Vimeo Grande Allegro Quartet

Vimeo is an online tool where anyone can share videos. It is similar to YouTube, but Vimeo has setting that will keep videos private among communities of individuals the owner selects, making it usable under the privacy guidelines in Public Education.

I recently took a short video of myself teaching a ballet exercise to a group pf my ballet students. I had a students record me teaching with my smart phone. 

Next I took a 2nd video, so that the student could perform the combination, and I instructed from behind the camera.

 I dropped the video into my dropbox account on my phone, then I logged into my drop box account on my computer and downloaded the file.
This task was a little tedious, and I had hoped to figure out a way to use my Picasa account, since it uploads instantly online. However, I (with the help of my computer tech husband) was unable to download the file as a video. (Hmm..too bad Vimeo wouldn't let me upload from Picasa!)

After that task, it was simple!
Just upload to Vimeo after creating an account and publish to my Blog!

1 comment:

  1. 2 great little videos Fun to watch you teach and the young ladies dancing away.
    Maybe Google will purchase Vimeo ... and the upload will be possible.
